Leica workshops


On a regular basis I organise workshops with this classic Leica equipment. Sometimes in cooperation with for instance a local photo shop. They let their customers experience the way of working of Henri Cartier Bresson in the thirties. You can free ride on the analogue photography trend. Or with your friends of your Photo club.

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Leica cameras for rent


Take a look at the collection of Leica cameras which you can rent for a single day.

View cameras
Leica 1c


On a regular basis I publish ‘Leica facts’ on the News page. Mostly about cameras lenses and accessories of the years until WWII. I look forward to get input, supplements from the reader’s side.  If you want to write a ‘Leica fact’ yourself please contact me through the contact page.

View Leica news

Aleica, Classic Leica Camera rental

About 15 years ago I got interested in early Leica equipment. Both for use and for collecting. In doing this the technical quality of cameras and lenses really surprised me. And the quality of photos also was of a high level.

I want to offer all of you the opportunity to experience this yourselves. Therefor I asked a Leica specialist to service this equipment. The cameras have been adjusted, shutter curtains replaced, mechanics made smooth and cleaned. Lenses have been taken apart, cleaned, adjusted and aperture and focussing rings made work smooth again.

Try these classic Leica’s yourselves and follow the steps of Robert Capa (both founding fathers of Magnum photo’s), Alberto Korda and Alfred Eisenstaedt.

You can rent this quality equipment or participate in one of my workshops. Think of:

  • Workshops:Photoclubs, Photo retailers (Such as Leica shops), Photo academies
  • Business:Movie productions, props, thirthies parties
  • Privat:Amateur Photography, try-out of analog Photography
  • Exhibitions and Musea:Photo, Photografica, technical Musea, Thirties exhibitions

For further information and orders please contact me.

And...Take al look at my album ‘Aleica Leica I, II and III’ on my Flickr account.

I hope you enjoy reading this site.